
Scottish Connections

Highland EAL

Lots of useful free to use resources for EAL

Aberdeen City EAL

Aberdeen City’s EAL site with lots of useful information and resources


The Scottish Qualification Authority’s (SQA) site for ESOL qualifications.  Contains course and unit specifications, advice, guidance, assessment support and resources for Nat 2 – Higher levels.

SQA Academy

The Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA) virtual learning environment.

SEALCC (Scottish EAL Coordinating Council)

SEALLC is a network of EAL professionals from all local authorities across Scotland who are involved in the management of EAL provision in schools .It is a forum to discuss national issues which affect EAL and bilingual learners in Scotland.

Bilingualism Matters

Bilingualism Matters is based at Edinburgh University and is a centre for research and information on bilingualism and language learning

EIS (The Educational Institute of Scotland)

The EIS publish the SEJ (The Scottish Educational Journal). This has features which reflect the current concerns and issues in the Scottish Education System.

Scottish Policy Documents

Learning in 2+ Languages

(Education Scotland, 2005)

The purpose of this document is to identify good practice in supporting EAL children to access the curriculum.

Count us in: A sense of belonging

(HMIe 2009)

The report comments on the strengths of the Scottish education system in welcoming newly-arrived children and young people and in supporting their achievements.

UK Connections

Bell Foundation

EAL assessment framework plus a host of teaching resources and materials on the EAL Nexus.


The national subject association for EAL. NALDIC provides a professional forum for the teaching and learning of English as an additional language, supporting bilingualism, raising the achievement of ethnic minority learners, and promoting the development of research, policy and practice.

British Council Learn English

Lots of resources for children and adults learning English, plus a section for school and teacher resources.


E-Twinning is a free online community for schools in Europe and some neighbouring countries, which allows you to find partners and collaborate on projects within a secure network and platform

CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)

The levels of the CEFR measure proficiency in a language in six levels, A1 – C2.  The Scottish Qualifications Authority’s ESOL national qualifications correspond with levels A1 – C1


The Beelingual UK website has some free resources to download on their website for supporting EAL learners to settle and access the curriculum
